About The Artist ~Maria Haynie
My name is Maria Elena Haynie. I'm a 31 year old Arizona native.
I've been married for 11 years and have 5 wonderful children. I
am a Kindergarten school teacher by profession, but I've always
had a passion for sculpting. The moment I heard about Lampworking
from my friend Jodi Price at Beadworx.com
(April 2004), I was certain that this was for me! I knew I would
love it and I immediately began imagining the things I could sculpt
in the fire! Jodi gave me a couple classes and that was all it took.
My wonderful husband believed in my abilities and bought me all
the equipment, started building me a kiln, and set up a studio before
I even took my first class at The
Mesa Arts Center!
I was genetically
destined to have a knack for art. My mother is a talented artist
and our home was always filled with her latest project from toll
painting to porcelain dolls, sewing to beautiful water color paintings
She has always inspired and encouraged me. I have been sculpting
since I was in preschool. One time my sister and I made play dough
cheese and put it on a saltine cracker, and as far as I could tell,
my dad actually thought it was real and ate it! I think that was
the beginning of my love for all sculpting mediums! Although I haven't
had too many classes, I have found lots of ways to meet my addiction
for sculpting (some pics far below): play dough, modeling clay,
Sculpey (polymer
clay), clay ceramics, porcelain doll making, silver solder, lost
wax, and now… Lampworking!
The Beadery!

~The process of Lampworking is to select and clean
the color of glass you will be working with (the glass rod looks
like a pencil),
~Then I turn on my oxygen concentrator and propane tank and light
my torch (it has a temperature of approx.. 1200 degrees Fahrenheit),
~I slowly introduce the glass to the flame while
rotating it for an even melt and when it reaches a honey-like consistency
I paint/wipe/glop the glass onto a steel mandrel that has been pre-dipped
into a bead release clay (the mandrel is the spot where the bead
hole will be after the process),
~Almost lastly, I mush and add to the glass until I've created something
fun through a process of heating different areas of the bead to
varying degrees of heat (it has to remain hot through the entire
process or I risk cracking it),
~Lastly, I place the bead into my mailbox kiln (set at 980 degrees)
and I start a program that will cool the beads very slowly, annealing
the beads.
~When the glass is cooled, I remove the bead from the mandrel and
clean the hole with my Dremel and diamond bit tool.
~It is quite wonderful and amazing to be a part of, sometimes I
can't even believe the beads that I make are really from my brain!!!
The glass really takes on it's own personality and that's half the
fun for me. I hope you enjoyed the tour and come back often to see
what has emerged from my studio.
About The
Artist's Husband!
There would
be no Snozberry Beads without Travis, my DH (darling husband)! So
it only seems fair to tell you all about him and his many hidden
talents - though, if I tell you how wonderful he is, some of you
who live near by might grow to understand his greatness and start
asking him for favors! LOL!
Not only is
Travis a great amateur mechanic (he's rebuilt numerous car and motorcycle
engines), but he can fix just about anything! He is our very own
Town Hero (as my kids put it). He "fixes" and helps
people with computer stuff all day, every day as a professional
software consultant (ask him the details, my inexperienced computer
brain has a difficult time describing his position in few words).
Something about school administration software programs, he even
went to New Orleans after their recent disaster and helped a school
transfer and set up their records at a temporary school site!

Travis built
me a wonderful mailbox kiln in June '04. He also remodeled the room
out on our patio for my studio. We recycled some kitchen counters
and he fit them to the room and mounted them. He refashioned our
old entertainment unit for our glass holder and he's also the one
who ordered all my torch set up and tools! Now you see how I could
never have done any of this without him, he is my hero! I joke all
the time that I'm just the bead maker and he is everything else
for snozberrybeads.com. If we had credits at the 'end' of the site,
his name would be on listed a hundred times to my one or two! We
make a great pair though... can't have one without the other! LOL!
I married him because he is nice and he married me because we can
laugh together! 8 years later we're even more in love than ever
and he is still being nice to me and I still make him laugh (even
if it's at me)! I love you Travis, thanks for giving me this opportunity
to shine!